This is a list of our publications. Please click on the titles for more details of the publications.

To order any of our publications please send a cheque, or postal order, for the required amount to our Publications Officer:
Mr Denis Fullerton,
31 Beechdene Gardens, Lisburn,
Co Antrim, BT28 3JH.

If you have any questions regarding the publications, Denis can be contacted as follows.
Tel: (028) 9258 6354

The Work of a Parochial Nominator (Revised 1998) £2.00
Rome, Canterbury and Armagh £1.20
New Way in Worship £1.20
Salvation and the Church: ARCIC 11 £1.20
Dicing with the Devil £1.50
Called to Minister £1.50
Rectory Reflections £1.60
A True and Lively Faith £1.75
The Church: Local, Regional and Catholic £1.75
Partnership Mission: Present Reality or Distant Dream? £1.75
The Lamb Wins - 42 Readings in the Book of Revelation £1.75
A Heart for the Unchurched £2.00
The Evangelical Roots of James Ussher £2.00
Outreach in the Local Church £2.00
Watch and Pray £2.00
Crisis at Clonmacnoise... £2.00
Ransomed, Heaed, Restored, Forgiven £2.00
Ruth: Loving - Kindness in Action £2.00
Anxiety, Stress, Depression: A Biblical Approach £2.50
Inasmuch: Daily Readings for Lent from Luke £2.00
Seeking Freedom in Same-Sex City... £2.00
A New Kind of Christianity £2.50
Spiritual Reality in everyday life £2.50
Rescuing Genesis From The Creationists £1.50
Living with Leviticus £2.00
How Beautiful on the Mountains
Short Studies in the Minor Prophets £3.00