1. - Why a Prayer Book? - Page 3
2. - Why a New Prayer Book at this stage? - Page 8
3. - What is different about the New Book? Why? - Page 14
4. - How to use the A.P.B. - Page 23
5. - Where Next? - Page 27
This booklet is offered as a contribution to the continuing discussion and debate about Worship in the Church of Ireland today, which has been very much to the fore since the publication of the Alternative Prayer Book 1984. It represents only the views of its authors.
To order this publication please send a cheque, or postal order, for the required amount, made payable to The Church of Ireland Evangelical Fellowship to our Publications Officer: Mr Denis Fullerton,
31 Beechdene Gardens,
Lisburn, Co Antrim,
BT28 3JH.
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