Crisis at Clonmacnoise: A response to Issues Raised
by the Dean Andrew Furlong Controversy
by Dermot O’Callaghan.

Foreword - Page 2
1. - A Controversial Challenge - Page 7
2. - Jesus - A Failed End-Time Prophet? - Page 8
3. - Jesus as Saviour - Ethical and Theological Challenges - Page 14
4. - The Ethics of Blood Sacrifice - The Self-Substitution of God - Page 20
5. - The Benefits of God’s Sacrifice for Us - Page 25
6. - Sin, Death and Science - Page 29
7. - Jesus’ Resurrection - Part of an Imagined End-Time Drama? - Page 33
8. - Has God Revealed Himself? - Page 35
List of Dean Furlong’s Articles - Page 40

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