Dicing with the Devil
by Michael Wardlow.


1. - What’s all the fuss about? - Page 1
2. - The Tricks of the Trade. - Page 7
3. - The Enemy defined and described. - Page 11
4. - Victory Assured. - Page 19
5. - Summary - Page 25
Glossary of Terms - Page 26
Notes and For Further Reading - Page 28

This booklet is offered as a contribution to Christian thinking on the whole area of Satan and the Occult. The views expressed in it are those of the author alone.

To order this publication please send a cheque, or postal order, for the required amount, made payable to The Church of Ireland Evangelical Fellowship to our Publications Officer: Mr Denis Fullerton,
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BT28 3JH.

If you have any questions regarding this publication, Denis can be contacted by email at: publications.officer@cief.net

Price: £1.50 # 005