The Lamb Wins -
42 Daily Readings in the Book of Revelation,
by Ron Elsdon.

1.- Acknowledgements - Page 2
2. - Introduction - Revelation in life and worship - Page 3
3. - Readings for week 1 - Page 7
4. - Who was Revelation written to? - Page 11
5. - Readings for week 2 - Page 13
6. - Visions of heaven - Page 17
7. - Readings for week 3 - Page 19
8. - War of the worlds - Page 23
9. - Readings for week 4 - Page 25
10. - A guided tour of Babylon - Page 29
11. - Readings for week 5 - Page 31
12. - New world a’coming - Page 35
13. - Readings for week 6 - Page 37
14. - Appendix - Revelation in public worship - Page 41

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