Foreword - Page 7
Preface - Page 9
Chapter 1: - When it all gets too much - Page 11
Chapter 2: - Putting broken lives together again - Page 21
Chapter 3: - Overcoming depression - Page 33
Chapter 4: - Overcoming anxiety - Page 45
Conclusion - Page 57
Depression! What notions does that word conjure up in your mind?
It is a terrible affliction for those who suffer from it, and often too for the friends and families who struggle to help them. It is an affliction that is added to unnecessarily by prejudice, misunderstanding, old wives tales and books and sermons by Christian experts whose work is devoid of both common sense and God’s Word properly applied. There are too many wrong notions in people’s minds.
I am pleased to recommend this booklet by Bryan Follis. It goes a long way to dispel those wrong notions but, more than that, it gives sound, practical, common sense advice which will be helpful to anyone who is battling with depression. What is more, it is built on sound application of God’s Word, and there is no better source to turn to for help.
In many years as a counsellor I have often had for something helpful to put into the hands of a depressed person: a book that would give encouragement, understanding and helpful things to do. Many of the books that have been written on the subject are too long or too complicated for a depressed person to struggle through. What is needed is something that is ‘easy reading’, short, and free from jargon. This one fits the bill.
I trust that as you read the pages that follow, wrong notions will be dispelled and you will find hope, encouragement, help and blessing and be led, once again, to rejoice in the God of our salvation.
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